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- Board Policy and Administrative Procedures
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- SECTION F: Student
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- SECTION FA | Equal Education Opportunity
- SECTION FB | Admissions
- SECTION FC | Attendance
- SECTION FD | Tuition and Fees
- SECTION FE | Financial Aid
- SECTION FF | Student Welfare
- SECTION FF.1 | Campus Safety
- SECTION FF.2 | Mental Health
- SECTION FFA | Immunizations
- SECTION FFA.1 | Immunizations
- SECTION FFA.2 | International Students
- SECTION FFA.3 | Residence Life Requirement
- SECTION FFC | Student Support Services
- SECTION FFC.1 | Student Support Services and Administrative Services
- SECTION FFC.2 | Veterans Services
- SECTION FFC.3 | Special Programs for Students with Disabilities
- SECTION FFC.4 | Pregnancy and Parenting Student
- SECTION FFD | Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation
- SECTION FFD.1 | Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying
- SECTION FFD.2 | Sexual Assault and Intimate Partner or Domestic/Dating Violence/Clery Reporting
- SECTION FFD.3 | Student Discrimination Grievance Procedure
- SECTION FFE | Sexual Misconduct Policy
- SECTION FG | Student Housing
- SECTION FH | Solicitation
- SECTION FI | Student Records
- SECTION FJ | Student Activities
- SECTION FK | Student Rights and Responsibilities
- SECTION FKA | Student Expression
- SECTION FKA.1 | Student Expression
- SECTION FKB | Student Conduct
- SECTION FKB.1 | Code of Student Conduct/Special Programs/Student Misconduct/Drug-Free Campus/Complicity
- SECTION FKB.2 | Disciplinary Procedures and Sanctions
- SECTION FKB.3 | Academic Integrity
- SECTION FKC | Student Complaints and Grievances
- SECTION FKC.1 | Student Grievance Procedures
- SECTION FKC.2 | Student-Instructor Conflict Resolution
- SECTION FKD | Grade Challenge
- SECTION FKD.1 | Grade Challenge
- SECTION FKD.2 | Program of Study Dismissal
- SECTION FL | Athletics
The enrollment of a student shall be construed as both evidence and a pledge that the student accepts the standards and regulations of Navarro College and agrees to abide by them. Conduct that interferes with the efforts of others to secure an education, enjoy a recreational event, or to reside in an environment that is clean, quiet, and conducive to study is prohibited. The College reserves the right to ask for the withdrawal of any student who refuses to adhere to the standards of the institution.
For the purpose of this section, a “student” is defined as an individual taking courses at the College, either full- or part-time including individuals who withdraw from the College during the conduct process; those who are not currently enrolled in courses but who have a continuing academic relationship with the College, and those who have applied for admission or readmission to the College.
Certain programs such as honors programs, Residence Life, as well as instructional areas (e.g. Cosmetology, Welding, Oil and Gas), Allied Health Professions (e.g. Nursing, OTA, PTA) and Protective Services (e.g. Police, Fire, and EMS) will require additional standards of conduct and may involve additional requirements for admissions and sanctions against student misconduct. The request for appeal of any instructional programmatic decisions must be made through the program director and his/her supervisor consistent with the Student/Instructor Conflict Resolution procedures. The students in these programs will be required to abide by both the Navarro College Student Handbook and the program specific Student Handbook. When there is conflict, the Navarro College Student Handbook supersedes the program handbook at the discretion of the judicial officer designee.
Students are responsible for knowing and obeying the college rules, as well as local, state, and federal laws. Consistent with U.S. Department of Education Title IX standards, and the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 and the Campus SaVE Act, Navarro College uses a preponderance of evidence standard to determine whether a code violation is more likely than not to have occurred.
A student who violates these rules, whether on or off college premises, will be subject to adjudication and potential disciplinary action in accordance with the College’s due process. Disciplinary action may result in withdrawal, suspension, or expulsion from Navarro College and additional, independent action from civil authorities, such as the Navarro College Department of Public Safety or other local, state, or federal law enforcement agencies.
Specific examples of misconduct in which students may be subject to disciplinary action are listed in the Navarro College Student Handbook. The following violations present a heightened level of threat to the safety and well-being of the Navarro College community and include serious offenses such, but not limited to, acts of violence (fighting, physical assaults, sexual assaults, harassment, drugs, and weapons) or threats thereof, on or off the college premises.
For specific information pertaining to sexual assault, domestic or dating violence, or specific processes designed to provide Title IX protection for students and information including specific processes pertaining to prevention measures, rights of the responding party and the rights of the reporting party, reporting options, and investigation and disciplinary proceedings see Board Policy and Administrative Procedure FFE.
Navarro College is a drug- and alcohol-free institution. Possession, sale and/or use of any type of illegal drugs, alcohol, or mood-enhancing substance by any person on any property owned, leased, or controlled by Navarro College is strictly forbidden. The Navarro College Department of Public Safety will enforce all federal, state, and local laws concerning underage drinking, drug and mood-enhancing substance violations.
A student found to be in possession or under the influence of any illegal drugs and/or alcohol or mood-enhancing substances on or off the college premises will be subject to disciplinary action and/or criminal proceedings. Incidents occurring off of the college premises will be assessed based on the College’s Off-Premises Conduct procedures that hold all students to consistent standards defining acceptable forms of student conduct and maintaining civility and safety for the College community.
A student who has been convicted of any federal or state law involving the use, possession, or sale of a controlled substance shall lose their student aid eligibility for a specified period of time if they were receiving federal student aid when the offense occurred. The suspension of eligibility time table depends on the violation and may resume upon the completion of a Department of Education approved rehabilitation program.
Navarro College offers drug and alcohol abuse screening/counseling programs to students. The College employs experienced and/or licensed professional counselors to assist with drug and alcohol abuse.
A student shall not, through act or omission, assist another student, individual, or group in committing or attempting to commit a violation of the Student Code of Conduct. A student who has knowledge of another committing or attempting to commit a violation of the code of conduct is required to remove him or herself from the situation, and failure to do so when reasonable under the circumstances may be the basis for a violation of this procedure.
When a student is alleged to have violated Navarro College’s Student Code of Conduct by an offense committed off the college premises, the College reserves the right to investigate and adjudicate. All students enrolled in Navarro College should clearly understand that the college is expressly concerned with student conduct both on and off the college premises. Navarro College expects the behavior of its students, at all times and in all settings, to be guided by the same standards that define acceptable forms of student conduct. To this end, any student enrolled in Navarro College who is found in violation of the Student Code of Conduct or state or federal laws, even in an offsite setting, is subject to administrative disciplinary procedures that could result in one or a combination of several disciplinary sanctions as listed in the Student Handbook.
Based on the reasonable belief that a student has been involved in conduct offsite that is incompatible with the college’s function as an educational institution or with the mission of Navarro College, the Director of Student Development, at his/her discretion, may invoke the disciplinary process.
Navarro College seeks to promote a teaching and learning environment free from material and substantial classroom disruptions. Faculty have the authority and responsibility to effectively manage their classroom environments. Faculty may determine the time and manner for student questions and expression of points of view in the instructional setting.
Accordingly, faculty should establish, communicate, and enforce reasonable rules of classroom behavior and decorum via the syllabus and classroom discussion. These procedures are not intended to discourage appropriate classroom expression, discussion, or disagreement, but to promote respectful interactions.
Rules and expectations for the instructional setting should be established by the faculty member and communicated to the students via the course syllabus and classroom discussion at the beginning of the course. Such rules may contain reasonable restrictions in light of the instructional setting, teaching method, and learning objectives; They also may vary depending upon the educational context and course syllabi.
Disruptive Behavior is prohibited. “Disruptive behavior” means conduct that interferes with or obstructs the teaching or learning process in the context of a classroom or educational setting, including conduct that distracts or intimidates others in a manner that interferes with instructional activities, fails to adhere to an instructor’s appropriate classroom rules or instructions, or interferes with the normal operations of the college. Faculty are the authority in the classroom and make the final determination of what is considered appropriate behavior.
Faculty who experience disruptive behavior in the classroom should email the student to identify the prohibited behavior that occurred, the rules that were violated, and the behavior that is required in the future.
If the disruptive behavior is serious or severe the faculty member should immediately contact the dean or police, as appropriate.
The faculty member must document the severe disruptive behavior in writing by emailing the Academic Instructional Dean.
The complaint documentation should also include a copy of the email(s) provided to the student.
Approved: 2015
Updated: 2020, 2024